Ideal Greenery for Parker and Denver Colorado Landscapes.
A decently landscaped property in Parker or Denver is definitely pleasing to the eye. It’s your property; you have invested time and money into it. It is a part of your livelihood and so when it looks good it’s natural to beam with pride. This is why landscaping is commonly referred to as the “art of the outdoors”. A well conceived landscape on your property isn’t just eye candy; it can become a sanctuary of sorts. A secret garden of your very own, tucked quietly away, hidden in the vast suburban sea. Unless, of course, the vast suburban sea in which you find yourself happens to be in Colorado, in which case you and your “sanctuary” are at the mercy of some very fickle weather.
If you are native to Colorado then you know how very fond this state is of pine trees, or more accurately called, the Colorado White Fir. It thrives in drier climates and so it is ever present here in Colorado. They are relatively cheap, easy to plant, require very little maintenance and, if you’re blind, then you won’t mind how visually unappealing they are. Oh, and did I mention how very fond the Pine Beetle is of them?
Don’t despair. I didn’t write this to saddle you with bad news. There are some lovely alternatives to this tree that will thrive in Colorado.
Take, for instance, the Paperback Maple. This deciduous, albeit slow-growing, tree is ideal for those who are seeking a little more privacy as these trees can reach heights of 20-30 feet and will spread its branches at an equal with. It will thrive in either full or partial sunlight, in which there is no shortage in Colorado, and requires very little moisture. In the fall its leaves will turn crimson red adding awe-inspiring color and character to your yard. These saplings are relatively cheap in price but require a lot of patience as the full benefits of this gorgeous tree cannot be fully appreciated until they have been grounded for over a year, possibly longer.
Are you looking for a tree that blooms? Despite what most people think, Colorado’s weather can sustain many species of flowers. If it is a tree you’re looking for then why not plant an American Plum? The American Plum, also referred to as the Wild Plum, is actually a member of the Rose Family and is considered to be a “drought-resistant” tree. It can grow up to 25 feet high, although this is not at common in Colorado as it is out East because of the dryer climate. However, you can expect this tree to compete in size with our commonly seen Crabapple tree. And just like the Crabapple this tree boasts some beautiful blossoms, gleaming white, with a sweet, candied smell that manifests in early spring. Keep in mind, however, that the sweet blossoms this tree produces also create germinated seeds. This means that one tree, that isn’t isolate and well maintained, could easily turn into more trees. The fruits is creates will attract a variety of pests. This tree is best used as a cornerstone or a centerpiece of your landscape design. In other words, you probably don’t want to plant ten of these, unless you would like to open your own orchard. American Plum saplings are also easy on the pocketbook and grow more rapidly than the Paperback Maple mentioned above.
Individuals who are looking to brighten up their outdoor space aren’t limited to only trees. For example, Salvia greggii, or Furman’s Red Sage, was introduced to the Colorado landscape in 2005. Its soil moisture requirements range from Moderate to Xeric (meaning little to no moisture required at all) and thrives in direct sunlight. Although this fine specimen is more like a shrub in appearance, and less like a flower bed, it will bloom throughout the summer and fall decorating your outdoor space with beautiful scarlet colored blossoms. As this is a shrub, in essence, it will grow and quickly but is very easy to maintain; simply trim in the spring before the summer blossoms show, and again at the end of Autumn, or before the first frost. This particular sage is perfect for a surrounding trim, especially as a colorful accent to line a fenced area.
An ideal ground cover would be the Valley Lavender. This luscious and very generous flower is also perfect for Xeric landscapes. It is a very vibrantly colored perennial, an empowering shade of violet, that grows and spreads quickly and will bloom from the late Spring through the first frost of the season. Another noteworthy detail about the Valley Lavender; it attracts a variety of butterflies! It’s vivacious color and sweet scent is irresistible to them.
Whatever your tastes may be you can find the right flower or trees to suit your landscaping palate and survive the harsh Colorado climate. Discuss these options with an “outdoor artist” or you can visit for a complete and comprehensive list of trees, shrubs and flowers that are ideal to withstand the Colorado weather.